
ut for some, the holidays can be difficult. In- dividuals may go through the celebratory mo- tions on the outside, while on the inside doing his or her best to simply endure. ALMetro360 caught up with Licensed Pro- fessional Counselor, Libby Fitzpatrick, who was gracious enough to share tips for managing the stress of the holidays. T IPS ON MANAGING THE HOLIDAY BLUES IF YOU SUFFER FROM DEPRESSION OR OTHER MENTAL ILLNESS : 1. Limit alcohol intake and overeating. Among other health ben- efits of moderation (or abstinence in the case of alcohol), you will limit your feelings of regret. 2. Get plenty of rest… don’t overdo it trying to “cheer yourself up.” You may already feel blue, don’t add physical exhaustion to your list of ailments. 3. Learn to say “no” to some invitations — but not all! Don’t isolate. Reach out to others. 4. Exercise daily to get those feel-good endorphins pumping. 5. Develop a budget for shopping a month or two before you plan to begin. If you stretch out your holiday to-do list you will feel less overwhelmed and can revel in your sense of ac- complishment when you are ahead of the game. 6. Ask for help! For those who have recently lost a loved one through death or abandonment the Holidays can be — understandably — especially hard. 32 AL/ Metro 360 LIVING WELL..................................................................................................................................... Beating the Holiday Blues S TAFF R EPORT F OR MANY , THE HOLIDAYS ARE A JOYOUS TIME . A TIME TO GATHER WITH FAMILY AND LOVED ONES , A TIME OF THANKSGIVING AND CELEBRATION , A TIME TO ENJOY THE SIGHTS , SOUNDS AND EVEN SMELLS OF A MAGICAL TIME OF YEAR . B Getting outside for daily exercise — even if to take the dog for a short walk — is as important to your mental health as it is physical.