
..................................................................................................................................................................... And don’t forget to work in those extra steps! Completing an extra 10,000 steps each day typically burns about 2000 to 3500 extra calories each week. Park at the far end of the parking lot when you make trips to the grocery store. Avoid elevators and es- calators and take the stairs whenever you have the option. Instead of meeting a friend for coffee or a drink, go on a walk together. March in place while brushing your teeth or watching your favorite show. Start taking regular walks after dinner. Sign up for walk/run races such as the Capitol 10 Miler and Turkey Burner in Mont- gomery or the race for the Auburn Toys for Tots. There are so many ways to get in extra steps to ward off holiday weight gain. Plan for extras. If there are certain foods that you cannot do without during the holidays, simply fit them into your daily caloric intake and compensate in other areas. Moderation is the key. One pumpkin spice latte a week during the holidays isn’t going to sab- otage all of your weight loss efforts. Limit alcohol. Alcohol acts just like sugar in the human body and can be a major source of additional calories. However, the worst thing about alcohol is that it dulls your senses and lowers your inhibitions making it nearly impossible to watch how many food calories you are ingesting, as well as making it improbable that you will even care to try. Fill up on protein. Before a big holiday meal or a party where holiday fare will be served, have a small meal that is high in protein. This will help you not be hungry so that you can successfully moderate your intake at special events. Forgive yourself. If you do happen to overeat, acknowledge the overindulgence, and then let it go. One mistake will not undo all of your weight loss efforts. High-fat, high-calorie fare can make getting through the holidays difficult for people who are watching their weight. And, while the holiday season may not be the most opportune time to lose weight, it is a good time to focus on main- taining the weight loss that you have already achieved. n Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2020 31