ALMetro360 July 2018

..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 minutes longer. 2.Using a mesh strainer placed over a large pot, strain the peach mixture. Discard all that’s left in the strainer. Set the peach mix- ture to the side while you make the tea. 3. To make the tea, bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a large pot then turn off the heat. Place the tea bags in the water and steep for 15 minutes. 4. Add the tea to a large pitcher and stir in the peach syrup. Taste the tea. If it is too sweet add another 2 to 4 cups (one cup at a time) tasting between each addition to get the right flavor. I usu- ally add about 2 cups, but you may want it less or more sweet. If you are going to be putting ice in the pitcher, add less water to account for the ice melting. Stir well and refrigerate for at least an hour or until cold. 5. Always stir before pouring tea into glasses. Pour peach tea over ice. Garnish with mint. W ATERMELON L EMONADE 1/2 cup sugar 1-1/2 quarts of cold water, divided 4 cups watermelon, cubed 3 lemons, juiced Make a simple syrup by combining the sugar and 1/2 cup of the water in saucepan. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, then set aside and cool completely. In a blender, add watermelon and blend until smooth. Strain watermelon pureè through a mesh strainer into a 2 quart con- tainer. Add syrup and lemon juice and stir completely. Add remain- ing water (5 1/2 cups) and top with ice. Serve with watermelon wedges. Stacy Lyn Harris is a wife, mother of seven kids, and the author of three cookbooks. Subscribe to her weekly newsletter to get her latest recipes and posts at . n Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter JULY 2018 15 Southern Peach Tea Watermelon Lemonade