ALMetro 360 Magazine

amily, friends, gifts, shopping, cooking, traveling. It can be stressful, but there are ways to reign in our health mentally and spiritually as we tackle our to-do lists, ob- ligations, and as we drive that last mile or purchase that final gift. First, breathe. You’ve survived every season up to now. You’ll survive another one. How we stay healthy mentally can be done through mindfulness and settling realistic expectations, according to the National Al- liance on Mental Illness: • In addition to professional mental health care, mindfulness — focusing on the present moment — can be a valuable mental wellness tool. Certain practices, such as mindful breathing, can be particularly helpful if you are traveling or running on an un- usual schedule. • Amajor source of anxiety, stress and depression around the hol- idays can be examining accomplishments from the past year, according to NAMI. Get yourself out of this space by adjusting expectations and setting realistic goals — for example, if you’re trying to establish an exercise routine, try setting a goal of walking three times a week instead of vowing to do CrossFit every day. Spiritually, keep the reason for the season in mind. Remember why we celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Remember the togetherness that we celebrate. Remember your faith and re- member that keeping ourselves spiritually healthy canmean staying in tune with ourselves. “We stay physically healthy by eating the right foods,” saidMont- gomery resident Dave Stever. “You can stay healthy spiritually by ‘feasting on the Word.’ If you spend a lot of time and effort on other activities — mental junk food — then your spiritual self will not get the right nourishment.” Patrick Aiken, social case manager at the Mid-Alabama Coalition for the Homeless, stays spiritually sound by serving others while Beverly Davidson-Hill of Prattville reads a daily devotional “as a means of guarding my heart, mind and tongue. “As well, I have a daily prayer calendar with scripture ad spiritual assertions to reflect upon. These actions help me to remain as light in my daily encounters.” n 50 AL/ Metro 360 Staying Mentally and Spiritually Healthy During the Holidays B Y K YM K LASS NAMI M ONTGOMERY I T ’ S ALREADY THE FALL SEASON , AND YOU KNOWWHAT THAT MEANS : THE HOLIDAYS ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER . F