ALMetro 360 Magazine

3) Consume a rainbow rich assortment of food, which will provide antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. Each of the colors in the rainbow nourishes a different body system. At each meal choose something green, red, yellow, orange and purple. Smoothies and fruit salads are a great way to start your morning. 4) Speaking of your smoothie, add two teaspoons of flaxseed and chia seeds, two well known superfoods. They are incredibly rich in nutrients and fiber, contributing to better health. 5) Because so many of Americans are suffering from dehydration, low fiber and a diet void of any antioxidants, adding a mixed salad or raw veggies to your lunch or dinner will make it complete and add some much-needed water content and fiber along with the antioxidants. 6) Healthy fats are important because a little will help to provide energy and a means of absorption of other nutrients. Fat is important to brain health as well. For years we have been told to limit the fat in our diets. But now we know that all fats are not the same. A healthy fat is one that is unsaturated and contains Omega-3s, which help to improve your mood, fight fatigue and even control your weight. The avocado is considered another superfood. Its nutrient and phytochemical content is important for the healthy fat it provides. Nuts, olives and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and trout are all considered good fats. Top your salads with one of these items to satisfy your hunger, keep your mood stabilized and promote weight-loss. 7) Avoid saturated fats, trans fats and white sugar. Too much of these items result in chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol that can lead to strokes. Even though protein has been touted as the primary nutrient, a palm sized serving of protein is all you need. Counting calories and measuring food are habits that are short lived. Studies have shown that those who practice a healthy lifestyle by enriching their faith, getting enough rest, eating a whole live food diet, drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day and exercising each day live longer. n Renee Beavers, Certified in Nutrition from T Colin Campbell studies of eCornell University, contributed to this article with the principles of her Whole- Person Plant-Based Lifestyle Movement. 30 AL/ Metro 360