ALMetro360 Magazine
DESTINATIONS................................................................................................................................ Ring in the New Year in the Big Easy B Y B ECKY J. B EALL T HE HOLIDAYS ARE FAST APPROACHING AND AS THEY PASS , THOUGHTS TURN TO THE NEW YEAR AND CELEBRATORY PLANS THAT NEED TO BE MADE . J ANUARY 1, 2020 BRINGS MORE THAN A NEW YEAR , IT IS THE START OF A BRAND - NEW DECADE FULL OF PROMISE , HOPE AND INSPIRATION . M AKE IT SPECIAL BY CHOOSING WISELY WHERE TO RING IT IN — CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR IN STYLE IN N EW O RLEANS , L OUISIANA ! here’s always a party in the Big Easy, so finding where to grab your party hat and champagne will be a snap. Start with great accommodations, like one of the city’s fabulous boutique hotels, your favorite hotel brand or a bed and breakfast, and build out the festivities from there. Some hotels will already have a party in the works, which is a nice starting point. A little time surfing the Internet will turn up additional hot spots around town for even more celebrating. 54 AL/ Metro360 T