ALMetro360 Magazine
..................................................................................................................................................................... the couple has worked together to discipline their children. How- ever, there were times when they would disagree, since, as she says, both are very opinionated individuals raising opinionated females. Now that she has become a grandparent, this wonderful experience has given her a new perspective about parenting in this day and age. She said, “I always thought people were exaggerating about being a grandparent, but they’re not. I think I have way more grace for parents trying to raise children.” When asked if she loves football, Kristi Malzahn laughs and says, “I’m not going to lie. I did not love football — I was a cheer- leader so I was around sports all the time, but I wouldn’t say I loved football. I enjoy it more as a sport now.” She is very much involved with football today, being the team mom. “I recognize the main portion of my love for football now is the kids, getting to know the kids. The personal side is what I love. The competition is fun and the stress of it is ok. Truly it’s a chess match. It’s about who can outdo who, and so that side of it I enjoy, but I am not eaten up with that side of it as I am the kids.” Malzahn started her role of team mom about two years into their journey. “I realized there was a need for someone to be in- volved in that,” she said. “And the other side of it, was because of the hours he spent in it. By getting involved it allowed me to have something to connect with him. Then I realized the Lord never calls one of you in a marriage to do something that the other is going to be hurt. I realized we were a team and we’re a unit in a lot of areas. We have our individual calling and passions in some di- rections, but most of our stuff is together, and we move in that di- rection. So, it was a way to stay connected to him, realizing the need was there and there was a place for me. It has become a min- istry, our ministry.” You can see the passion she has for the Auburn team. When asked if there are favorites, she said, “I love them all. I root for all the players to do well. You obviously don’t want to see them fail. There will be some that will connect with you and allow you in a little more. Some of it is personality, some what they have grown up with, and where they come from and you have to work a little harder. Over time we grow closer. Then there are some that come in off recruit- ing, right off the bat. They’re in your heart and never going away. [Others] are a process, as they spend time with us, they learn they can trust and realize you care, and some are just cordial re- lationships — different levels with kids and how much they will allow. It takes two in any relationship to make it work.” In response to the question about the hardest part of being a major college coach’s wife, Malzahn responded with “the criticism the players and coaches receive… that feeling to not retaliate with my mouth.” “I have an opinion and it is strong at times,” she continued. “The reality of you or your children hearing the criti- cism of their father from people who don’t know the ins and outs, they only see the outcomes. The bottom line is every coach is given a job performance evaluation the day after a ballgame whether it be college or high school, junior high, or NFL. It’s done in the public forum, by people whose job performance situations are not publicized in open forum for those who may or may not have a clue of what they are talking about. For most of them it’s their boss who knows and what is expected.” She sighed and said, “It’s ok. It’s all part of the deal.” So, what brings Malzahn joy as a coach’s wife? “Seeing what my husband is created to do and what he loves to do and fulfilling what God has placed for him. Truly having a husband who loves what he does,” she said. “It’s the old saying: Find what you love and find a way to make money doing it. We encourage our players to find their passion and then go that direction. Getting up, going to work and not loving what you’re doing can be miserable.” “Seeing the kids” is also joyful, she said. “We start developing relationships with the kids at 15 and up. We start building those relationships. You find out what their hopes and dreams are, and most of them it is to be successful, win championships and get to the NFL as their ultimate goal. However, we also remind them that most of the NFL players are retiring at 26-27. Very few make it past that, and you must know what you are going to do with the rest of your life. And, it’s one of those things... seeing them be- come men of integrity and character, walking in a way to become a productive member of society. It’s a positive plus and makes my heart happy.” To find out more about Kristi Malzahn, her family and ministry, go to . n Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter NOVEMBER 2019 33