ALMetro360 Magazine
Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter NOVEMBER 2019 11 hen Nadia left her home in Tirgu-Mures, Ro- mania and arrived with her boyfriend, Sebastian in New Milford, New Jersey in 2009, she spoke no English. She left her home because the love of her life wanted to come to America. But she did have family that lived there and they had a fac- tory where she was able to work. Nadia and Sebastian came to America planning that they would work hard and bet- ter themselves. One of her dreams was to own their own house. However, they quickly learned that the cost of living in New Jersey was so high that purchasing their own house there would be difficult and take many years. Fortunately, Sebastian had a friend who lived in Mont- gomery and he told Sebastian about our city and that the cost of living in Montgomery was so much less than in the northeast. So once again Nadia and Sebastian took another chance by moving to Montgomery in 2010. They both got jobs working in the food service industry. In 2012, they bought their house. That same year Nadia decided on taking another chance. She decided to pursue a job that offered growth opportunity. She first became a shampoo technician at Eve’s Studio and soon Eve offered her the chance at an apprenticeship. “Come work for me and I will teach and train you to become a cos- metologist.” At the time Nadia became a student she made a promise to herself to become the best professional certified Cosmetologist that she could be licensed by the State of Al- abama. It was then she also began the process of becoming a United States Citizen. In 2016 Nadia and Sebastian got married… in March 2019 she officially became a United States Citizen and in October 2019 Nadia became a licensed Alabama Certified Cosme- tologist. Today Sebastian is a Production Control Specialist at Hyundai. “All of us here are so proud of Nadia, she has worked hard to become a Cosmetologist and a U.S. Citizen. She is now taking appointments for hair styling, wonderful facials, nails and relaxing pedicures,” says Eve. Call 262-8888 to book your appointment with Nadia! Congratulations Nadia! You did it the right way. That is your way! n Spotlight on Success… Nadia Sevestrean Over 10 years in the making… starting with nothing but courage and determination…