ALMetro360 June 19
Dad’s Life Just Got Easier M AKE LIFE EASIER FOR D AD THIS SUMMER WITH A NEW CONCEPT IN HOME LAWNS , ARTIFICIAL TURF OR SYNTHETIC GRASS . Y OU MAY BE FAMILIAR WITH ARTIFICIAL TURF FOR GOLF COURSES AND BALL FIELDS , BUT FOR YOUR HOME ? “Y ES ,” SAYS J EREMY V INSON , OF V INSON L ANDSCAPING , WHO IS MAKING LIFE BETTER FOR DADS IN C ENTRAL A LABAMA BY INSTALLING WHAT HE CALLS “ SYNTHETIC GRASS ” IN THE BACKYARDS OF FAMILY HOMES . T HE GRASS IS MADE OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS WITH A MULTI - COLOR BLEND TO MIMIC THE LOOK OF REAL GRASS . I T IS SOFT TO THE TOUCH AND EASY TO WALK ON BAREFOOT . he product is eco-friendly and very cost effi- cient because it requires no watering, elim- inates the need for pesticides and fertilizers and is no maintenance,” said Vinson. Dads everywhere will definitely enjoy that. The product is also completely pet-safe. “The infield that can be used in the finishing process can also have deodorized-coated sand that will cut down on pet smells,” he said. Pets can do their business with no damage to the grass. Just scoop up the pet’s poop and use a water hose to clean up, if necessary. The turf must be laid on a 3- to 4-inch gravel bed so that moisture isn’t trapped on it. The steps for installation are sim- ple: Excavate the area you want to put it in, bring in crushed limestone, prep and compact all surfaces. “The installation and seaming of the turf can make it look flawless,” Vinson said. “Then you add the infill to make the grass blades stand upright.” There are actually very good reasons to consider having the synthetic grass installed in your yard. Vinson has installed it in areas with moisture issues and in shaded areas where trees keep grass from growing. He has also installed it in backyards for use as putting greens and other outdoor sports. “It’s also ideal for putting around pools to cut down on any debris that would end up in the pool,” he said. While the synthetic grass is more expensive than traditional sod, it has a 10-year warranty. When you consider those areas in your yard with too much shade, moisture or pet damage, re-sodding every so often can be more expensive. Installing the turf can be more cost efficient in the long run, especially if you consider the cost of maintaining your yard with water and fertilizer, not to mention all those Saturday or Sunday af- ternoons spent cutting and trimming the grass. n Vinson Landscaping is located in Montgomery, Alabama. For more information, you can reach Jeremy at 334.202.3322 or go to 44 AL/ Metro360 “T