ALMetro360 June 19
A S THE WORLD AROUND US CHANGES AT LIGHTNING PACE , D ICK B REWBAKER BELIEVES THERE ARE FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS WHICH NEVER CHANGE . A BELIEF IN — AND COMMITMENT TO — THESE TRUTHS IS THE DRIVING FORCE IN HIS LIFE AND THE LEGACY HE WANTS TO BESTOW TO HIS FAMILY . orn in Harlingen, Texas to a JAG officer serving in the United States Air Force, Dick’s family moved to Montgomery when he was just three years old and has remained since. According to Dick, both of his parents taught — and modeled — that serving one’s community was the standard as opposed to living off of it. He very early on saw a need in his com- munity, “You can't live in Montgomery for very long and not realize that public educa- tion is an issue that never goes away.” His own community service began when he be- came involved with, SCORE 100, an edu- cation reform group. Also, in 1995 Governor Fob James appointed him to his staff to work on education issues. “After that I was fortu- nate enough to serve one term in the State House of Representatives and two terms in the Alabama Senate.” During Brewbaker’s tenure in the legisla- ture, where he was known for following his conscience over his party’s agenda, he saw passed the Intervention Act; the Virtual School Act; The Fostering Hope Scholarship Act; and the ABLE Act. He also helped pass legislation requiring insurance companies to cover certain autism therapies, which is a true source of pride for him. Faith played an important role in Dick’s upbringing and continues to be a driving force in his life today. “Both of my parents were committed Christians. Every day began and ended with prayer and church was a big 16 AL/ Metro 360 SPOTLIGHT 360 .................................................................................................................... Dick Brewbaker A Champion Among Fathers TEXT BY H ELEN H ERNDON B