ALMetro360 June 19
Treat Dad to Biscuits’ Bacon this Father’s Day TEXT BY L YNN C OX PHOTOS BY K IM N ELSON A H ! F ATHER ’ S D AY , SUMMERTIME AND BASEBALL … T HREE THINGS THAT DEFINITELY GO TOGETHER . W HEN YOU THINK OF THIS TRIO , WHAT FOOD COMES TO MIND ? H OT DOGS , PEANUTS , BEER , POPCORN , BACON . B ACON ? Y ES , BACON . S OMETHING YOU WOULD NOT IMMEDIATELY THINK OF EATING AT A BASEBALL GAME BUT WHEN YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT THE MINOR LEAGUE B ISCUITS BASEBALL TEAM IN M ONTGOMERY , BACON IS FRONT AND CENTER ON THE MENU THIS SEASON . A LONG WITH BISCUITS , NO LESS . ctually, the Year of Bacon is the theme of the team’s specialty food items this year. “The Year of Bacon gives us the opportunity to tie several promotions into one large celebration,” said Michael Murphy, the Biscuits’ general manager. “Each year our staff tries to come up with new ideas for specialty food items and merchandise that we can build theme nights and giveaways to enhance the fan experience. Having the Year of Bacon platform has given us a chance to come up with fun and creative items in each of these categories that Biscuits fans have come to love.” Anytime the team is playing at home, you can order Bacon on A Stick, Bacon-wrapped Hot Dogs, Bacon- wrapped Corn on the Cob, Candied Bacon Crumbles on Ice Cream and, of course, a Bacon Biscuit. ALMetro360 managed to get the chef of the Biscuits to share his recipe for Bacon on a Stick. Try your hand at making this delicious sweet, spicy and savory treat for Father’s Day and your Dad will be licking his chops with enthusi- asm. Visit for the recipe. n THE DISH.............................................................................................................................................. A 14 AL/ Metro 360