
Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter FEBRUARY 2019 21 cret. It would be open and free, and it already has a name. It’s Oak Park, right here in Montgomery. I’m working with a wonderfully gifted person, Ethyl Boykin, and we have the master plan which you can see right here.” She holds up a board with eye-popping colors indicating possibilities. There will be various gardens, Japan- ese, English, others, a children’s garden, and eventually a Botanical Garden. Her voice grows increasingly excited. ”That Botanical Gar- den will be where the public, everybody can come and learn about plants. Of course, we have no money and the city doesn’t have funds for this kind of project so we depend on volunteers and on contributions. We’ve had help, The Master Gardeners, generous citizens, and especially school children. From Bear Public School the Second Grade came and planted daffodil bulbs after the teacher got an $1,100 grant in answer to her request. Oak Park will be a magical place and will change the whole neighborhood.” n