
...................................................................................... LMetro360 reached out to two wedding pho- tographers for expert advice to help you know what things you need to consider in order to ensure your photographs are as beautiful and memorable as the wedding itself: ALMetro360: What is the most important consideration for young couples choosing a wedding photographer? Darren: Since photography is a visual product, choosing a photographer who’s work you like is a no brainer. However, that is not the only consideration a couple should make. Some other things to look for are cost, reliability, personality (keep in mind they will spend a lot of time with you and your guest) and of course professionalism. Hannah: Make sure you not only love their work, but also their personality! You spend more time with your photographer during your wedding day than anybody else! Be sure to schedule a phone call or ask to meet up for coffee before committing. It's also a great idea to ask photographers for a full wedding gallery that shows how they photograph every aspect of the day — not just a curated Instagram feed! ALMetro360: Should young couples “interview” prospective photogra- phers? (How important is “rapport” between photographer and client? How can brides help establish a good rapport?) Darren: The more you know about the vendors you choose the better. This hold especially true for photographers as they hold the key to the images that are to be the pathway to a lot of your memories. During the interview ask as many questions as you can. See as many images as you can. It’s okay to even ask some of the tough questions such as who will be there on the day of my wedding, you or another shooter? How do you present yourself (attire)? Do you have backup equipment/plans? How long before I get my proofs, images or books? Keep in mind that they are working for you not just with you. Ask for what you want and ex- pect, but be open to their suggestions. Chances are that they have probably been at more weddings than you have so it’s ok to trust your photographer. As for a rapport with your photographer that is going to be somewhat of a balancing act. If they do really nice work but they are not as chatty or friendly you might choose to grade on a curve. On the other hand, if they are as nice as your “Aunt Bea” you might not be sending her a fruit cake for Christmas if they fail to deliver. Hannah: Absolutely! Making sure that you "click" with your wedding photographer is so important. You'll be spending a ton of time with them on the wedding day! Not only do we photograph your most important moments throughout the day — but we also help manage your timeline, fluff your dress, encourage you, help touch up hair, and laugh with you. We also understand that being in front of the camera is a vul- nerable place. A lot of my clients are nervous before their session, and worry about posing or looking and feeling awkward in front Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter WEDDING ISSUE 2021 43 A