
7 Ways to Use Your Wedding to Give Back S TAFF R EPORT A WEDDING DAY IS ONE OF THE MOST SPECIAL DAYS ANYONE WILL EXPERIENCE IN A LIFETIME . H OWEVER , MONTHS OF PLANNING AND PARTIES LEAD UP TO AN EVENT THAT IS OVER IN A MATTER OF HOURS . O NE WAY TO EXTEND THE SPECIALNESS OF YOUR WEDDING DAY IS TO TURN IT INTO AN OPPORTUNITY TO GIVE AND SHARE WITH OTHERS . T HE JOY FROM YOUR SPECIAL DAY WILL GROW EXPONENTIALLY ! Here are seven ideas for creating lasting joy: 1. T URN W EDDING S HOWERS AND P ARTIES I NTO F UND -R AISERS Have party guests bring can-goods to donate to your local food-bank or shelter. Create a universal registry at a site like HoneyFund, Amazon, or ZankYou. Then, go to your favorite charity’s website and find its donation page — from there, you can easily add it to your registry page. Also, rather than the traditional bachelor or bach- elorette party, consider coming together with your bridal party and dedicating a day or weekend to serv- ice. You can visit a site such as VolunteerMatch to look for ideas that will be meaningful to all involved. 2. U SE A N ON -P ROFIT V ENUE FOR Y OUR W EDDING Just think of the lovely spaces at museums, his- torical sites and botanical gardens. Many organiza- tions even have catering services. All the money you spend will go to a good cause! 3. D ONATE Y OUR W EDDING D RESS There are quite a few organizations that will accept and repurpose your wedding dress. Brides for a Cause is a nonprofit organization that collects and resells wedding dresses to support charity. Funds raised from your donation will support a variety of local and national women-focused charities across the country. Brides Across America gift free wedding gowns to our military and first-responders. Another 28 AL/ Metro 360 Bridal gowns can be donated after the wedding for various good causes. Photograph by Darren Freeman. GOOD DEEDS ..................................................................................................................................