
....................................................................................... pale gray, or other soft colors are preferred and the front page should be blank or consist of a monogram in the upper corner or centered. N AME THE K INDNESS Think broadly about what a gift is. In addition to material pres- ents, actions taken often prompt an expression of appreciation in the form of a thank you note. Was hospitality shown by providing overnight accommodations? Did an individual do something kind such as handle yard work during the recipient's recovery from sur- gery? Was an opportunity offered to the recipient, such as referring a customer to the recipient's business? Be clear and specific about that for which you are grateful. W RITE THE N OTE P ROMPTLY The best time to send a thank you note is right after a gift is re- ceived. As time passes, it is less likely a thank you note will be written because the motivation to do so has decreased. The initial excitement of receiving the gift has worn off and is not available to propel the recipient into expressing gratitude. Putting off acknowledgment of a gift's receipt also makes the task more difficult because it is harder to remember details about what was received. Two months later the recipient may not be able to remember the color of the scarf Aunt Harriet sent or what store the gift card from the boss was for. Put pen to paper while the details are fresh. K EEP I T S HORT A ND S WEET The acknowledgment expected from a recipient is called a thank you note for a reason. A note is a short message. The giver is not anticipating a lengthy piece of writing. Just a few sentences, and no more than one page, is needed. The key is to confirm receipt of the gift and express gratitude for it. The sweet part of the note is making the message sincere, per- sonal, and heartfelt. The note is not an essay for an English class. Write as if speaking to the gift-giver and mention their name in the body as well as the salutation. F OLLOW THE F ORMULA A big reason people avoid writing thank you notes is because they do not know how to do it. A straightforward formula makes the task much simpler. A thank you note has seven parts: a date, a salutation ("Dear Grandma”); an expression of gratitude (thanks; I appreciate); iden- tification of the gift (the red scarf; the Starbucks gift card); an ex- planation of how the gift benefited the recipient (the money will help with my college expenses); a warm closing (Affectionately, Appreciatively); and a signature. If the gift is not something the recipient is thrilled about, adjust the gratitude gap by recognizing and acknowledging the thought and effort which went into picking out and giving gift. Thank you notes are a societal expectation and do not have to be a time-consuming process. Knowing when to write them, writing them promptly, keeping them short and sweet, and following a set formula make the task easier to undertake and thus more likely to be accomplished. n Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter WEDDING ISSUE 2021 23