
Birmingham- Southern College What would you do in a world of opportunities? At Birming- ham-Southern College, we focus on your future by offering you hands-on experiences now. A BSC education prepares you to pursue your passion and reach your full potential – no matter what field you choose. Our January term gives you four weeks to take a deep- dive into one topic — in a campus classroom or on the other side of the globe — and our top-notch academic programs give you the skills to succeed on the Hilltop and beyond. At BSC: You’ll engage with the world and discover your purpose. You’ll find your own path, while developing the tools employers want, such as teamwork, critical thinking, data analysis, and the ability to connect ideas. You’ll take what you learn beyond the classroom — by partici- pating in internships, conducting research with a professor, en- gaging in one-on-one mentorship, performing service projects, or traveling abroad for an academic adventure. You’ll experience learning in a new way with a great return on investment. Small class sizes — our student-faculty ratio is 12:1 — and teaching-focused faculty ensure you’ll be challenged to do your very best. For a price that aligns with public universities, you’ll receive a personalized education, leadership opportunities, experiences that show you the world, and a fast track to graduate in four years. With more than 50 areas of study, and by making the most of your time on the Hilltop, you will find countless routes to your fu- ture. Come see why BSC is among just 40 schools featured in “Colleges That Change Lives,” calling it “what college ought to be.” Learn more about BSC at or call the Office of Ad- mission at (205) 226-4696. n 50 AL/ Metro 360 AL METRO 360 2019 College Guide .............................................................................