30 AL/ Metro 360 B REAST CANCER IS THE MOST COMMON CANCER IN A MERICAN WOMEN , EXCEPT FOR SKIN CANCERS . C URRENTLY , THE AVERAGE RISK OF A WOMAN IN THE U NITED S TATES DEVELOPING BREAST CANCER SOMETIME IN HER LIFE IS ABOUT 12%. T HIS MEANS THERE IS A 1 IN 8 CHANCE SHE WILL DEVELOP BREAST CANCER . T HIS ALSO MEANS THERE IS A 7 IN 8 CHANCE SHE WILL NEVER HAVE THE DISEASE . The American Cancer Society's estimates for breast cancer in the United States for 2019 are: • About 271,270 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women. • About 42,260 women will die from breast cancer. With those kinds of statistics, you are hard pressed to find someone that hasn’t been impacted by the disease. And for that reason, the ease by which our local American Cancer Society chapter was able to find twenty-four men to proudly wear pink and raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research was not surprising. In recent years the American Cancer Society has played a vital role in many breast cancer research breakthroughs, so there is always hope that a cure is in the near future. These distinguished men are making sure the breakthrough is closer than ever. Money raised by the Real Men Wear Pink campaign could go towards developing the next generation of lifesaving treatments. On the following pages you’ll meet the distinguished line up of gentlemen in the fight against breast cancer… P HOTOGRAPHY BY D I A NNA P AULK
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