appoint. At the be- ginning of half- time, it’s a sight to see and hear the Aggie Band bring the Aggie War Hymn and the Spirit of Aggieland, the school’s alma mater, to life and march in lock-step formation. A more solemn reminder of Aggie history led us to visit the Bonfire Memorial, dedicated to the tragic event that claimed the lives of 12 Aggies in 1999. The memorial celebrates the tradition, history and spirit of Texas A&M while re- membering an event that will forever connect back to the Aggie Spirit. For our tailgate travel crew, local food is a must. The Dixie Chicken is the must-visit go- to place and you’ll find some of the best Texas BBQ joints all around town. And, we couldn’t pass up a visit to the George H. W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum located right on the Texas A&M campus. All of these further contribute to a great experience for a college gameday weekend road trip. After visiting College Station, this Auburn fan still shouts, “War Eagle,” but will now gladly shout back “Gig ‘em” to my fellow SEC Conference Texas A&M Aggies. n Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter AUGUST / SEPTEMBER 2019 25 .....................................................................................................................................................................
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