
One of the Best SEC Road Trips – Texas A&M B Y J EREMY A RTHUR ALM ETRO 360 ASKED J EREMY A RTHUR , P RESIDENT AND CEO OF THE C HAMBER OF C OMMERCE A SSOCIATION OF A LABAMA AND AN A UBURN U NIVERSITY GRADUATE WHO HAS TRAVELED WITH HIS ALMA MATER TO ALL AWAY GAMES TO GIVE US HIS OPINION AS TO WHAT IS THE BEST SEC R OAD T RIP . H ERE IS HIS TAKE … had been told Texas A&M University had earned the reputation as the friendliest cam- pus in the world. Their “howdy” is engrained in their campus culture and proves to be a welcome for visitors (including opposing ath- letic team fans!). Having been to an Auburn game in every SEC stadium prior to the conference expansion, that just left the Uni- versity of Missouri and Texas A&M University to cross off the list. I’ve seen lots of unique traditions and hadmany great experiences in my travels throughout the conference. However, in College Sta- tion, it’s different. The ‘Spirit of Aggieland’ is evident and I think one would be hard-pressed to find a college football atmosphere that matches the history and traditions at Texas A&M. In preparation the night before the big game, I saw the true Aggie Spirit on full display at “Midnight Yell.” One visit and I quickly learned that Aggies don’t cheer – they yell. It’s truly a unique and fun experience uniting 25,000-plus students and fans (and opposing team fans) for “yell practice.” The gameday traditions are on full display in and around Kyle Field. The marching of the Corps of Cadets was a sight to behold. Even though totally voluntary, I was impressed with the size of the Corps of Cadets and understand fully the connection they have to Texas A&M and its rich history. As I entered Kyle Field, there was no doubt it is the largest foot- ball stadium in the SEC and in the State of Texas. From its im- pressive brick facades, to the ‘War HymnMovement’ statue proudly proclaiming it the ‘Home of the 12th Man,’ to the firing of ‘The Spirit of ‘02’ cannon after every A&M touchdown, I enjoyed all of Kyle Field’s displays and traditions that make the gameday expe- rience memorable. It has been said that the tradition of the 12th Man at Texas A&M is perhaps one of the greatest traditions in all of college ath- letics. When you see the student section and cadets standing to- gether, it certainly upholds the tradition and creates an incredible atmosphere, and the white 12th Man Towel is waved by virtually every A&M fan. Frommy experience, the Aggie fans truly are some of the best in all of college football and they make a great first im- pression. The Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band holds claim to be the largest mil- itary marching band in the United States. It certainly doesn’t dis- 24 AL/ Metro 360 DESTINATIONS ................................................................................................................................ I