ALMetro360 April 18

The health benefits of what they make are unparalleled con- sidering that they produce exceptionally nutritious eggs and meat. Once upon a time, just about all Americans har- vested their own meat with a combination of hunting wild game, raising chickens or other livestock, as well as fishing. It is quite simple to raise chickens, and I believe that is why there is a comeback to the backyard chicken coop. The preferred free-range meat to raise was and con- tinues to be chickens. The benefits of raising your own chickens far outweigh the time and resources it takes. Because the eggs alone are worth any amount of effort involved. Fresh eggs are one of the healthiest proteins available and are a large part of my family’s diet. Free range chickens produce eggs that provide essential amino acids for humans and contain an exceptional amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. The meat from chickens which are allowed to forage and scratch up protein filled bugs are healthier than caged birds. They have less cholesterol and fat and more folic acid, and Omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, you know when raising your own that they are not pumped full of hormones and an- tibiotics nor do they contain Genetically Modified Organisms. Not only do these fowls provide fuel for the body, they aid us in land management. They naturally till as they scratch and peck the land. As your vegetable garden gets mature this scratching and pecking adds aeration to the soil. Most of the time, chickens will not eat the mature vegetables; they would rather scratch for insects. Some people do not let chickens in their gardens, but if controlled, they can be very beneficial. The manure also aids in the fertility of the garden (mulch would need to be added to the fresh manure to hold nitrogen and other nutrients in stable con- dition). If you want to keep them out of your garden, you can add their manure into your compost bin. With chickens in our back- yard, we rarely waste any food. They thankfully con- sume left-overs from the kitchen as well as weeds from the garden. { living well } 12 RIVER REGION LIVING Backyard Chickens By STACY LYN HARRIS Raising chickens is an amazing adventure. By far, they are one of the most beneficial domesticated creatures in the world. They are not only amusing to watch, they are natural tillers and soil builders of the land, and amazing food producers.