
The Perfect Wines For Your Holiday Turkey Dinner S TAFF R EPORT S ERVING THE RIGHT WINE WITH THE FOOD CAN MAKE ANY HOLIDAY DINNER A MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE FOR BOTH YOU AND YOUR GUESTS . F ORTUNATELY , TURKEY IS A VERY VERSATILE FOOD SO YOU CAN PAIR IT EASILY WITH SEVERAL DIFFERENT WINES . O N THE OTHER HAND , A FESTIVE MEAL IS A COMPLICATED AFFAIR : THERE ARE SEVERAL DIFFERENT DISHES , SIDE DISHES , SAUCES , AND , OF COURSE , THE STUFFING , SO COMPLEMENTING ALL THESE DIVERSE FLAVORS ISN ' T EASY . ith such a variety of tastes, textures, flavors, and aromas, selecting the most "easy-going" wines is the best way to embellish the holiday menu. Here are a few suggestions for pairing wine and turkey to get you started. 1. C HARDONNAY Luscious and complex, chardonnay is often considered one of the best dry white wine grapes ever cultivated. This fruity and floral grape produces wines with very different expressions around the globe. The best chardonnays are well-balanced, soft, and full- bodied. Their acidity is just enough to bring out the best in your roasted turkey. Whether you choose an intriguing Californian or a superb Burgundian bottle, you can't go wrong with chardonnay. 2. D RY R IESLING When it comes to white wines, the extremely versatile riesling is always one of the top choices. Noble and elegant, infinitely diverse by nature, these wines seem light and easy to drink. You may think that all rieslings are sweet, but there are many drier wines you can serve at the holiday table. A riesling with a definite but not over- powering character will complement foods like turkey meat, herbs, spices, and sweet potatoes. Its high acidity will make you want to take a sip of wine, then a bite of food, then another sip, and so on. A good riesling has the power to make a great dinner even greater. 3. A LBARINO Spain's delightful white table wine probably originated in North- eastern Portugal. Albarino is floral and citrusy but not as aromatic as riesling. This young, unoaked wine is bound to surprise and fascinate your guests. If you are looking for a nontraditional white wine to blend with your courses, look no further. 4. B EAUJOLAIS C RUS This distinguished, fruity red wine definitely deserves a place at your table. Its soft tannins will complement but not overpower your dishes. Beaujolais owes its pleasing qualities to the gamay noir grape. The wines made from this grape often develop berry- like flavors, a hint of peaches, violets, and roses, as well as a peppery spiciness towards the end. Since this is a special occasion, you might consider spending a bit more on traditional-style Beaujolais instead of the more commercial Beaujolais Nouveaux. Its delicious richness and sophistication won't disappoint you. 4. P INOT N OIR Pinot noir is a traditional wine that varies in quality. Generally speaking, wines from colder areas develop more sophisticated and distinctive aromas. Wines from different regions have different fla- vor profiles: a Burgundian bottle will have subtle earthy undertones as well as tart cherry and mushroom-inspired flavors. On the other hand, a pinot noir from California or Oregon will be fruitier, with 20 AL/ Metro 360 THE DISH.............................................................................................................................................. W