
Five Science-Based Health Benefits of Caffeine S TAFF R EPORT T HERE ’ S GOOD REASONS TO NOT KICK THE COFFEE HABIT . G O AHEAD AND SAVOR THAT CUP OF JOE ! affeine is hiding in some of the world's most popular beverages — coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, and even some medications. The average American takes in less caffeine than you might think with younger women at the lower end and older men at the higher end. Why are caffeinated beverages so popular? You know that caffeine makes you more alert. That’s why many people have their first cup soon after awakening. In fact, caffeine consumption skyrockets on Monday morning! However, caffeine can cause negative side effects such as anxiety, rapid heart rate, and jitteriness, yet it also has some surprising health benefits. Let’s look at some of these potential health benefits. B OOSTS B RAIN F UNCTION Who wouldn’t want a sharper brain? Studies show that caffeine not only boosts alertness but may also improve spatial reasoning, reaction time, and verbal memory. One study found that caffeine at any dose boosted brain processing speed. So, when you drink caffeinated beverages, you may be faster on your feet and have a quicker reaction time too. Also of interest was a study showing a dose of 200 milligrams of caffeine boosted memory function in extroverts but not introverts. It's not clear why, but researchers believe it may be due to differences in a brain chemical called dopamine. I MPROVES E XERCISE P ERFORMANCE Studies show consuming caffeine before a workout increases ex- ercise performance for endurance exercise. In other words, when you run or cycle at a sub-maximal effort, you can sustain your movements longer without pooping out. One reason is that caffeine shifts muscle cells' main form of energy from carbohydrates, in the form of glycogen, to fat. This helps preserve the muscles’ glyco- gen stores, so you can exercise longer. Also, caffeine makes exercise feel less strenuous and fatiguing, so you can exercise longer. B ETTER R ECOVERY A FTER E XERCISE If you consume caffeine along with carbohydrates after a work- out, the caffeine will help your muscles better use those carbohy- drates to rebuild glycogen, a source of fuel for your muscles during exercise. Your muscles use glycogen to make ATP, the energy cur- rency that drives muscle contractions. So, caffeine can help your muscles recover more easily after exercise. That comes in handy, especially if you exercise twice in a single day. 20 AL/ Metro360 LIVING WELL ..................................................................................................................................... C