
Back to the Movies — At Home (Pass the Popcorn!) S TAFF R EPORT I T ’ S A FACT THAT FAMILIES ARE SPENDING MORE TIME THAN EVER AT HOME THESE DAYS AND MOVIE THEATERS REMAIN CLOSED . B UT , WITH THE AVAILABILITY OF A MULTITUDE STREAMING OPTIONS SUCH AS N ETFLIX , H ULU , D ISNEY +, Y OU T UBE — JUST TO NAME A FEW — AND THE TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS OF THE HOME ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY , THERE ’ S NO REASON NOT TO ENJOY A THEATER - TYPE EXPERIENCE RIGHT IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME . LMetro360 spoke with Michael Cohen of Cohen’s Elec- tronicsand Appliances, Inc. to get tips on how to max- imize your viewing pleasure. We start with the most basic elements and build from there. E ASE OF U SE — It shouldn’t require a stint in trade school to be able to operate your home entertainment system. According to Michael, “What most of our customers want, or really need, is something they can operate on a basic level. We do sell a very cool, easy to understand remote control system that not only controls the AV system but can also control other devices in your home. I tell people it puts it on 3rd grade level with its simplicity. Not only can it control your AV, but also things like lights, cameras, thermo- stats as well as integrating with appliances such as LG, Whirlpool and SubZero and Wolf. And most importantly you can have the option to control this system with your cell phone or iPad as well. My dad is 89 years old and he can operate his system too.” N ETWORK — With more people at home together there is a much greater strain on the Network. “Lots of people noticed issues during the pandemic,” said Michael. “All of the sudden people stuck at home were killing the network. We really do not realize how much we are asking our network system to do but a family of 5 typically has at least 5 phones, 4 laptops/iPads, 5-plus smart TVs and many other devices which could be thermostats, washer or dryers and the list goes on. They all bog a network down.” In order to ensure sufficient streaming capabilities and uninter- rupted viewing, consider a commercial grade router, such as Co- hen’s Electronics offers, which is equipped to handle more robust traffic. T ELEVISION — “Most people come to buy a TV and nothing else,” says Michael. “They are also under the opinion that all specs are created equal which is not true. Just like all 3,000 square-foot homes are different and cost, the same is true for televisions. The manufacturers make five to eight different models in each size. You can pay for the top of the line, the entry-level model, or a few in between. As you upgrade, you are typically buying a better pic- ture although the specs and buzz words are the same.” S OUND — One of the most important aspects to focus on to maximize your entertainment experience is the sound experience. If you are not in the market to overhaul your current equipment, just start by purchasing a sound bar for your existing set up. “As TVs continue to get thinner, so does the sound. Most TVs actually angle the sound backwards and reflect off the wall and we wonder why we can't hear it well. A good sound bar will make everything sound much more intelligible for peo- ple of all ages.” Also, when im- proving the sound it is important to 20 AL/ Metro 360 INSIDE OUT ........................................................................................................................................ A